Martial arts have always been a vital part of absolutely any civilization on Earth… Starting with the Roman and Greek wrestling tradition, Western Boxing or baritsu and all the way to the Chinese & Japanese Karate, Judo and Filipino martial arts… So regardless of…
Tag: Martial Arts Styles

Self-Defend Like a Pro: 25 Incredible Tips for Staying Safe No Matter Where and What
Standing your ground is one of the first things that you learn basically at any martial arts classes, whichever those are about… While some styles have a better set of self-defense methods, there is a bunch of a the most universal ones that anyone should know how

Why is the Bartitsu fighting school so underestimated nowadays?
Not many people are aware of the fact that England once had its distinctively own martial art style… Though eclectic and composed combining the techniques from a range of preceding styles, the Bartitsu or as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle spelled it in his Sherlock…
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Immediately preceding the founding of our “Little Dragons” junior classes, we’ve been asking seasoned instructors from across the board on a question of which martial art style should serve as a basis for it… While many of them directed us towards the universal
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Karate may be all about the self-defense, but actually, its kicking and punching, if applied the right way, can cause a lot of trouble, sometimes even causing lethal effect… While we do not recommend anyone to put these truly dangerous techniques into practice, it’s a…

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Standing your ground is one of the first things that you learn basically at any martial arts classes, whichever those are about… While some styles have a better set of self-defense methods, there is a bunch of a the most universal ones that anyone should know how